Dear Sister and mother,
Don't spose you recognize all
the family- Reading from right to left. Ida Loyd. Win-
dad- Eth Myer and husband- Banning
is their name. Lauren Blair- Goldie
and Roy- grasshop-
Chas. Dunlap in background.
The big house where they sleep
The little one is the kitchen and
dining room and the big barn
in the background is our
new one. Been having grand
dances there.
Love from- Myde (?) and Win
It took a while to translate that handwriting. I love the detail the writer puts into describing what each building was and I'm sure it could be very helpful for someone trying to identify the family.
Here is a closer look at the writing:

If you know who this family may be, let us know in the comments!
By looking at the photo (only after having clicked on it to enlarge it), I was able to discover 12 persons. Is that right? If so, the handwriting reads to me like this:
ReplyDeleteDear sister and mother -
don't s'pose you recognize all
the family - Reading from
right to left. Ida, Loyd+ Win-
slay - Esh Myers+ husband - Banning
is their name. Lauren Blair - Goldie
+Roy - Grasshop - Dean - Noal +
shas Dunlap in background.
The big house where they sleep
the little one is the kitchen +
dining room + the big barn
in the background is our
new one = Been having grand
dances there
Love from Amy,Jo+Win
The address:
Mrs. R. A. Smith
Fall City
I am not sure about the abbreviation of the state: Nbr
Seems that part of the letter C in city is invisible and it might be also the case for the first part of the letter N.
There is a Fall City nowadays in the state of Washington (it used to be named Falls City). And there is the town of Falls City, Richardson county, Nebraska, close to the border of Kansas. On is an interesting description of the Historic Falls City, its relation to Kansas and slavery.
Thanks for commenting! I made a few changes based on what you said and also my own observation. I agree "dear" is probably "Dean", but Ida and Loyd are definitely one name. "Esh" was also stumping me, but looking at the way the writer made their other T's, it's mostly likely "Eth", short for Ethel.